Even Number years at the AWBF

With the Geelong Wooden Boat Festival only a week away the SWS editors are planning full coverage of the event in Corio Bay. But in the meantime it’s great to see the big sister Wooden Boat Festival across Bass Strait keeping the momentum going with the announcement of their program for the second ever Maritime Trail. After the success of the first Trail in April 2021, the Australian Wooden Boat Festival team are presenting the event again, on 9th & 10th April 2022. 

The full program of events and ticketing facilities are available here

There is a varied and enriching selection of events on offer, that brings to live the wooden boat building and associated crafts of the Huon Valley and the Channel Region South of Hobart. There are over twenty individual tours and hands-on classes that you can sign up for….

Here are just a couple of examples…

A Tour of Wilson’s Boat Yard

Head back to one of the most important historical wooden boat building sites in Tasmania, even Australia. Wilson's Boatyard uses traditional and modern boatbuilding skills to design and maintain wonderful wooden boats. Since 1863, thousands of boats have come and gone through the doors, including AWBF favourites Island Star and Maori Lass. Neilma G was recently launched and Carefree is currently being given a Birthday here. John Alexander and team welcome you, and Jay Lawry once again will share his 40+ years of boatbuilding experience with you. Come with us, on a historical journey through Wilson's Boatyard.

Painting Boats in the Open Air 2-Day Workshop

Build confidence in oil painting ‘en plein air’ at various locations on the Franklin Waterfront. ‘En plein air’ means "in the open air". It describes the process of painting a subject outdoors and from life. Painting in this manner is considered the best way for an artist to learn to see and interpret the colours in nature and to capture the mood and feeling of a place.

This introductory two-day workshop is best suited to artists with some prior oil painting experience keen to develop their skills and confidence. Topics covered over the two days will include selecting your subject, composition, blocking in and tonal values, colour mixing and the challenge of changing light – working fast.

Experienced Tasmanian plein air artist, Rick Crossland will share his knowledge and skills through demonstrations and instruction throughout the day.

And in the interests of full disclosure, it should be pointed out that your humble SWS editor is also a board member at the AWBF and will be conducting one of the sessions in Cygnet, with no pecuniary benefit to himself or this website!




“The Enemy of All Mankind”